The ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union has been promoting international mobility of students, university lecturers and university staff in Europe since 1987. You will find information focussing on the implementation of the programme at OVGU on the following pages.

Ostpartnerschaften (Partnerships with the East)

The Ostpartnerschaften programme aims to encourage partnerships between German institutions of higher education and its counterparts in Middle, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe and also the GUS countries.


The bilateral I.DEAR programme promotes study exchange projects between Germany and Argentina in the field of engineering.


GRIAT aims at establishing engineering study programmes on a German educational level at the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU-KAI)


Der DAAD vergibt Mittel an deutsche Hochschulen zur Entsendung deutscher Studierender an kooperierende Hochschulen in den Ländern Ost- und Südosteuropas sowie den Ländern der GUS.


Mit diesem Programm werden Gruppen von hoch qualifizierten deutschen und ausländischen Studierenden gefördert, die ein Studium an der jeweiligen Partnerhochschule absolvieren möchten.

Last Modification: 22.11.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster