Secondary school teaching

Study Programme

Secondary school teaching


Studienabschluss Master of Education (M.Ed.) Zugangsbeschränkung No restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung - A completed course of study in the Bachelor's degree programme Career and Education - Technical Education and Economic Education Profiles (previous degree programme title: Vocational Education - Profile Economic and Technical Education) or in the Bachelor's degree programme Teaching profession at general education schools.

- Degrees from other degree programmes, provided that at least 60 CP each in the subject sciences of the chosen teaching subjects, at least 5 CP each in the corresponding subject didactics of the chosen teaching subjects and at least 15 CP educational science basics (especially in general pedagogy and didactics) are proven.

- Applicants who, in individual areas of their first degree programme leading to a professional qualification, do not fully meet the credits (CP) required as admission requirements in subject-related or educational studies are entitled to examine the possibility of compensating for these differences through individual study plans.
educational studies are entitled to examine the possibility of compensating for these differences by means of individual study plans. If this is not feasible, conditions can be imposed in order to complete missing study and examination achievements in addition to the standard period of study of the Master's programme. This can extend the study programme by a maximum of one semester.

- For the subject Sport, the passed Qualification test is a prerequisite. Furthermore, the personal life-saving certificate - silver of the German Lifesaving Society (DLRG) or the German Red Cross (DRK) must be presented to the examination office of the faculty at the latest when registering the Master's thesis. If both certificates have already been obtained before or during the Bachelor's degree programme, these achievements will be recognised for the Master's degree programme.
Regelstudienzeit 4 Semesters Studienbeginn Winter-/Sommersemester (nur in begründeten Fällen) Application Details
Application deadline Applicants with a German Bachelor degree an der OVGU winter semester: 15 September Applicants with a German Bachelor degree an der OVGU summer semester (Begründung): 15 March Applicants with International Bachelor degree über diesen Link winter semester: 15 July Applicants with International Bachelor degree über diesen Link summer semester (Begründung): 15 January


The degree programme prepares students for the teaching profession at secondary schools. The focus is on deepening the content of educational science, subject science and subject didactics. The study programme focuses in a special way on the learning field of career orientation and career guidance. Here, the students are enabled to tap into the career development opportunities of their students and to promote them in a targeted manner. In order to adequately prepare students for independent, responsible and well-founded teacher training, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg focuses on practice-oriented teacher training. In an extensive part of school practice (practical school studies, practical semester), both in terms of time and content, what has been learned in university studies is practically tested and reflected upon. The academic degree "Master of Education" entitles the holder to a doctorate.

Berufliche Perspektiven

The main purpose of the Master's degree is to qualify graduates to work as teachers in secondary schools. They have the skills to also work as a research assistant at universities or educational institutes or to take on consulting and development activities in the teaching materials sector (textbooks, technical documentation, experimental systems, laboratory concepts, etc.), including new media. Tasks in the field of economic education research are also possible.

Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?

The successful Master's degree is the prerequisite for eligibility for admission to the state preparatory service for the teaching profession at secondary schools. Interest in teaching the subject of technology in combination with another subject, working with young people and teaching and research in the field of an interesting educational field of activity are expected.

More information

Prospective students who later wish to teach the subject of technology or economics or mathematics in combination with another subject at a secondary school first choose the Bachelor's degree programme in Career and Education - Profile Technical or Economic Education (B.Sc.) or Teacher Training at General Education Schools (B.Sc.) and study the Master's degree programme "Teacher Training at Secondary Schools" (M.Ed.) after successful completion. Lateral entry according to admission requirements.

Last Modification: 16.11.2022 - Contact Person: Zentrum für Lehrerbildung