Teaching profession at vocational schools

Study Programme

Teaching profession at vocational schools


Studienabschluss Master of Education (M.Ed.) Zugangsbeschränkung No restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung A completed course of study in the following Bachelor's degree programmes: Career and Education - Engineering Education and Business Education Profiles (previous course title: Vocational Education), Engineering Education (B. Eng.) (Hochschule Merseburg oder Hochschule Harz), Health promotion and management (Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal) in combination with relevant vocational training, Evidence-based care (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle) or Applied Nursing Sciences / Applied nursing sciences in the practice network (Ostfalia Hochschule Wolfsburg)
Degrees from other degree programmes, provided that 100 CP from the field of engineering / economics / in health and/or nursing sciences / from the field of social pedagogy/social work/childhood sciences, 30 CP in vocational and industrial pedagogy as well as 40 CP in a second teaching subject can be proven.
Applicants who do not yet completely fulfil these admission requirements have the possibility of completing achievements in Brückenmodulen to be made up.
For the subject Sport, the passed Qualification test is a prerequisite. Furthermore, the personal life-saving certificate - silver of the German Lifesaving Society (DLRG) or the German Red Cross (DRK) must be presented to the examination office of the faculty at the latest when registering the Master's thesis. If both certificates have already been obtained before or during the Bachelor's degree programme, these achievements will be recognised for the Master's degree programme.
Regelstudienzeit 4 Semesters Studienbeginn Winter-/Sommersemester Application deadline Applicants with a German Bachelor degree an der OVGU winter semester: 15 September Applicants with a German Bachelor degree an der OVGU summer semester: 15 March Applicants with International Bachelor degree über diesen Link winter semester:15 July Applicants with International Bachelor degree über diesen Link summer semester: 15 January


The degree programme prepares students for the teaching profession at vocational schools. The focus is on deepening subject-specific, vocational pedagogical and subject-specific didactical content. Practical professional studies, which are completed and reflected upon in the field of employment "vocational schools", provide practical preparation for later work as a teacher at vocational schools. The Master's degree, like the 1st state examination, entitles the holder to enter the preparatory school service. The academic degree "Master of Education" entitles the holder to a doctorate.

Berufliche Perspektiven

The graduates are qualified for, among other things:

  • Work as a teacher at vocational schools and at state-run training courses for upgrading further training
  • teaching in continuing vocational education and training courses at business and industry training institutions
  • Research assistant at universities or vocational training institutes
  • Consultancy and development work in the teaching materials sector (textbooks, technical documentation, experimental systems, laboratory concepts, etc.) including new media
  • Tasks in the field of VET research


Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?

Interest in a corresponding course of study with the inclination/possibility to work in the future professional fields is expected.

Note: For admission to the preparatory service (2nd phase of teacher training), proof of relevant practical work experience of 52 weeks is required (vocational training is recognised as practical work experience). For further information on the degree programme, we recommend a student advisory service at the Centre for Teacher Education at the OVGU.

More information

Prospective students who would like to teach at a vocational school later on first choose the Bachelor's degree programme Career and Education - Profile Engineering Education or Business Education (B.Sc.) or another of the above-mentioned Bachelor's degree programmes. The profiles Health and Nursing Education and Social Education can only be chosen in the Master's programme. Lateral entry according to admission requirements.

Last Modification: 06.02.2024 - Contact Person: Zentrum für Lehrerbildung