Key Research Priorities
Research Cluster
Collaborative Research Centres (SFB) & Research Groups
Faculty Research Topics
Graduate Programmes
Research projects funded by the German Research Foundation

The DFG funds research in every scientific field. It supports individual projects, research cooperations, offers awards for outstanding research achievements and funds scientific infrastructure and actions for scientific contacts. Click here for an overview of the projects.

EU Projects

The University of Magdeburg participates in research projects that are financed by the various framework programmes of the European Commission.

CHIM research network

In 2008, the Chemnitz University of Technology, the Ilmenau University of Technology and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg agreed on a strategic cooperation. The goal was to establish a research network with a focus on engineering sciences. This cross-location collaboration was intended to create a cooperation platform for scientists that would allow them to conduct research not only beyond the boundaries of their own faculties, but also beyond the boundaries of the universities. Over the years, well over 50 successful cross-location research projects have been created with a funding volume in the hundreds of millions. The focus is on interdisciplinary research and involves a large number of faculties, professorships and institutes of applied research at all three locations.

Last Modification: 19.06.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster