In academic circles, Magdeburg is recognised as a centre for first class research in the neurosciences, as an established neurosciences hub with world renowned researchers, and as a flagship for brain research. Impetus is provided by the Excellence Initiative of the state of Saxony-Anhalt.
At the Magdeburg Research Centre for Dynamic Systems, scientists work on biological/medical and process engineering-related problems. The research focuses on the model-based analysis, synthesis and control of complex dynamic systems.
The interdisciplinary university center CAME "Center for Advanced Medical Engineering", which will be founded in the summer of 2021, will in future enable scientists from all nine faculties of the University of Magdeburg to work even more closely together in the successful profile-forming research focus of medical engineering.
The CHaMP research center brings together more than 65 scientists from eight faculties of the university with a common research interest. The core topic of the research center is the prevention of common diseases. Central elements here are the further development of personalized medicine and precision medicine.
New and innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the medicine of the future are developed in close cooperation between the University and a number of research institutions together with a wide-ranging network of industrial partners.
The University of Magdeburg takes a leading role in the field of automotive research and is actively involved in shaping this sector. In addition to the fundamental research that it conducts, its work also has a strong applied focus.
In this priority area, work is conducted on pioneering projects for the use of modern IT solutions in engineering fields of application as well as in industrial, industry-oriented and academic research.
Fluidised bed technology should be especially familiar as the process used for roasting coffee. However this high-growth crossover technology is now also being used in many other sectors and is revolutionising existing production technologies.
Researchers at the University of Magdeburg are dedicating considerable effort towards driving forward the necessary redesign of the energy sector. Above all, OVGU is a scientific trailblazer in the field of interdisciplinary wind energy research.