Technology Transfer

From research into practice, from the idea to the enterprise: scientists and academics from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg successfully cooperate – regionally, nationally and globally – with enterprises and institutions of all sizes and from all sectors of industry. Both bilateral projects between companies and individual University institutions, and the involvement in collaborative projects with several partners from research and industry play an important part in this.

OVGU concentrates existing excellent research whilst creating new synergies in Magdeburg as a hub of science and technology. The continuous cooperation with industrial partners ensures that the newly developed methods and processes are quickly integrated into the economy. As a consequence there is direct feedback between research and practice and real-time use and exploitation of current research findings. The synergies that come about enable an improved exchange of knowledge between fundamental and applied research.

In recent years, the University has acquired new partners from industry and research for joint research projects, especially in the automotive, medical technology, fluidised bed technology, dynamic systems and renewable energies fields.

Transfer and Start-Up Centre

The Transfer and Start-Up Centre (TUGZ) of the University of Magdeburg pursues the objective of transferring research findings with a high degree of potential into the regional and national economy and making them accessible to all market participants. In so doing the TUGZ concentrates on identifying persons of high potential and target groups, analysing the added value potential of product and business ideas, as well as target group-oriented marketing.

Find an Expert

The extensive database of people held by the Innovation Portal contains the right experts for your subjects.

Using Intellectual Property Rights

Science is innovative. Pioneering ideas need to be protected. We will help you to benefit from acquiring intellectual property rights.


Sponsors support the development of our internet portals, "Research Portal Saxony-Anhalt" and "Innovation Portal Saxony-Anhalt".

Fairs and Exhibitions

The University of Magdeburg uses trade fair appearances to find new project partners and acquire third-party funding, as well as to recruit new students for the courses offered by the university.


The XING Group aims to appeal to employees, students and alumni of Otto von Guericke University and involve them in a shared dialogue. The group is open to anyone wishing to remain in contact with the university. Over 6500 members are mentors for entry into the workforce.

Last Modification: 03.04.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster