Germany Scholarship

Selection Procedure

Application period for new applications:

15th April - 15th June

Funding Duration:

Scholarships are initially granted for two semesters. Where study results remain good, it may be possible to continue the scholarship within the standard course duration; this is fundamentally desirable. To this end, study performance is monitored once a year.

Scholarship Amount

The scholarship amounts to 300 per month. The scholarship is granted irrespective of income and parental contributions and is not offset against any BAföG payments.

How to apply?

The application is only possible via our online-portal

Requirements for applicants

Students who meet the following conditions are eligible for funding:

  • those enrolled on a first, second or complementary course of studies, on a Master's degree programme or a part-time in-service / dual degree course,
  • those who are enrolled at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg at the start of the approval period and who,
  • taking into account the existing approval period in accordance with § 6 para. 1 line 3 of the German law governing scholarship schemes (StipG) are enrolled at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg for at least two more semesters within the standard course duration for a course (including consecutive Master's degree).

As an applicant, you should stand out through your excellent study achievements and special social commitment.

Following documents are required:

  1. a letter of motivation of no more than two sides,
  2. a curriculum vitae in tabular form,
  3. your university entrance qualification certificate; and in the case of foreign certificates, with a conversion to the German grading system,
  4. evidence of study credits, where already completed,
  5. a certificate of enrolment, if already issued,
  6. for applicants for a Master's degree course place, the first degree certificate and, where necessary, additional evidence of achievement in accordance with the admissions and selection provisions for the Master's degree course,
  7. where necessary, proof of a special qualification entitling you to study on the relevant course at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg,
  8. where necessary, internship/employment references and evidence of special awards and prizes, other skills and further commitment,
  9. where necessary, declaration regarding the special social, family or personal circumstances governed by § 6 para 2 no. 3.

Renewal applications:

Scholarships are initially granted for two semesters. If study results remain good and you still have two semesters within the standard course duration left, you can apply for a renewal. You can submit your renewal application via our Online-Portal

Application periods for renewals:

Winter semester: 15th December - 31st January

Summer semester: 15th June - 31st July

If you switch from a bachelor's to a master's degree program for the next semester, you need to submit a new application, not a renewal.

Last Modification: 16.06.2023 - Contact Person: Nancy Gruß