OVGU-Account Activation
The OVGU-Account is for students, researchers and employees requiring access to the data network of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. It enables you to log into computers in the Computerpools of the University Computer Centre, the library or in the Computerpools the faculties. In addition, it is also required for wireless internet access and using the student portal (LSF) at OVGU. Every student or employee receives their own email address with their OVGU-Account. Anyone wishing to print, scan or copy on campus can add to their credit balance via their account.
The OVGU account is set up by the University Computer Centre. There are two ways of activating the account: either go to an IT-Service-Terminal in the computer centre in Building 26.1 and enter a password and accept the terms of use, or do this online via this Activation link. All information on administering your user account yourself can be found on the web pages of the URZ in the Account-Service-Portal.Your OVGU-Account can be used to register on the student portal (LSF), for courses in the language centre and at the sports centre.