Timetables at LSF


Not all faculties and courses of study provide ready-made timetables. You can therefore use the LSF portal to help you put together your own timetable. This is a university portal for students, candidates, teachers and employees at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and is a service and information system. The LSF portal provides information about lectures, people and facilities, telephone and email addresses and rooms. This includes detailed information about room layout and equipment. Students can put together a complete individual timetable for any subject and view it. A guide to using the LSF portal is provided here.

Logging into the LSF student information system

As a general principle the LSF system can be used without logging in. In this case the user can access several useful functions before they begin their course, such as an opportunity to view the course catalogue, find rooms / buildings or see a list of teaching staff. However the full range of functions is only available after logging in. Students can log into the LSF with their Uni Account details and the session will last for 60 minutes. After this, for security reasons they will be logged out automatically.  

LSF functions at a glance

LSF stands for Lehre-Studium-Forschung (Teaching-Study-Research). Together, these three areas are the core functions of the application. However in essence the LSF is divided into five main categories:

  • Student life
  • Classes
  • Facilities
  • Rooms and buildings
  • People

Student life

In the “Student life” area, users will find a list of important links for students. This where a search for the academic calendar or the website address for Magdeburg’s student union comes to an end.


The “Classes” category is especially important for students at the beginning of a new semester. This is where the course catalogue, course schedules or the results of course searches can be found. Clicking on the class title opens additional information. Here students will find class times, room information and details of the course progression.  It is also possible to compile an individual timetable in the LSF. To do this, students need to search and prebook courses in the “course timetables” tab. Once saved, they will be available in the student’s personal timetable.


This is where users can find information on the structure of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Details of the faculties, central services, administration, officers and bodies of the university are contained within this category. Alongside contact details, classes/courses taught by lecturers or a person’s role in the operation of the university can be found here.

Rooms and buildings

At the beginning of one’s studies especially, it can be quite hard to work out where everything is on campus. But after just a few weeks and months, students will have become very familiar with the site. The search function in the LSF system is very useful for orientation. “Rooms and buildings” provides an overview of where classes are held. Anyone who is interested can find detailed information on the location and room occupancy.


Who is running the class? How can I get in touch with this person by email and when are their consultation hours? The “People” area in the LSF enables users to search for a particular teaching staff member or employee at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, and quickly and easily find detailed information.

Functions for Students

There are special additional functions in the LSF that are available to students at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Under the “My functions” tab, users can access a wide range of administrative and information services. This includes the following:

  • Exam registration / deregistration
  • Record of grades
  • Printing out certificates
  • Re-registration at the start of a new semester
  • Generation of TAN lists

Detailed information on the range of services offered by the LSF is available here.

Last Modification: 22.09.2017 - Contact Person: Allgemeine Studienberatung