Business Management

Study Programme

Business Management


Studienabschluss Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Zugangsbeschränkung No restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung University entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur) Regelstudienzeit 6 Semesters Studienbeginn Wintersemester Application deadline Applicants with German university entrance certificate (Abitur) an der OVGU 15 September Applicants with international secondary school leaving certificate über uni-assist 15 July


The course provides an in-depth methodological introduction to economics and conveys a broad basic knowledge of business management. All bachelor and master courses are accredited and have a uniform structure. The mandatory modules in the bachelor course (semesters 1 - 4) allow students to secure basic knowledge in economics. In the last two semesters (5 + 6), students can specialise in a choice of focus subjects in various key profile areas. Alongside subject-specific courses, there are special classes in which key interdisciplinary and personal competences (known as soft skills) can be acquired. In particular, they will be given the ability to act responsibly on the basis of analytical thought, to understand the structure of problems in business practice and to keep abreast of changes in the professional world.


  • Company management and entrepreneurship
  • The finance industry and econometrics
  • Logistics & operations management
  • International economics
  • Marketing and e-business
  • Company accounts and taxation
  • Economics and law

Berufliche Perspektiven

This course prepares graduates for flexible employment in all commercial areas of private and public companies. Opportunities for studying subjects in greater depth over the duration of the course enable a certain specialisation in individual fields of business activity. Graduates receive excellent preparation for Master’s programmes in economics.

Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?

Candidates for this course should demonstrate curiosity about business management issues and have a good to excellent understanding of mathematics.

Last Modification: 08.09.2024 - Contact Person: Allgemeine Studienberatung