Cultural Engineering
Cultural Engineering
Studienabschluss Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Zugangsbeschränkung No restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung university entrance qualification (for example Abitur or A-Levels);English proficiency B2 and German proficiency DSH level 2 or equivalent. Regelstudienzeit 8 Semesters Studienbeginn Wintersemester Application deadline Applicants with German university entrance certificate (Abitur) an der OVGU 15 September Applicants with international secondary school leaving certificate über uni-assist 15 JulyObjectives
The programme initially offers an introduction to the most important principal categories and important areas of cultural studies. Students can choose, depending on the offer, whether they want to focus on English studies, German studies, history and politics. A cultural studies approach that orients towards a modern society in the age of globalisation, interculturality, and mass media poses questions that demand interdisciplinary perspectives and methods. The programme accounts for these problem-solving strategies by offering to combine and study in-depth the fields of logistics and urban sociology, economics and organisation theory as well as computer science and IT-management. Accordingly, this programme offers ample possibilities to build a personal profile in one of these branches. Project work, an internship, one semester abroad and the comprehensive training of methodological competencies as well as analytical and soft skills facilitate creating bridges between the several disciplines. The accompanying project module hones the students' ability to engage with issues and items of their studies in a practical manner and places special emphasis on professional relevance.
Berufliche Perspektiven
The degree qualifies for further postgraduate study programmes (Masters, Doctorates) as well as for direct entry into the job market. Possible work areas for graduates are: NGOs, public and private cultural institutions, educational organisations, publishing houses, broadcasting companies and the press, cultural and event management, marketing, market research and sales, management consulting, human resources and personal training, organisation development, urban development, logistics, quality management, and cultural branches of the IT-industry.
Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?
A keen interest in interdisciplinary work is mandatory. Students should be curious about what the humanities, business studies and engineering processes have to offer in the context of analysing how our cultures and societies work. They should be willing to develop their skills in applying the insights they gain in fields of practical matter.