European Studies

Study Programme

European Studies


Studienabschluss Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Zugangsbeschränkung No restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung - Higher Education Access Certificate (usually Abitur, A levels or equivalent)

- For international applicants: knowledge of German on a C1 level is compulsory.

- All applicants must prove knowledge of English on level B2 according to the Common European Framework (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, CAE.).
Regelstudienzeit 6 Semesters Studienbeginn Wintersemester Application deadline Applicants with German secondary school leaving certificate (Abitur) an der OVGU 15 September Applicants with international secondary school leaving certificate über uni-assist 15 July


The BA European Studies Programme is an interdisciplinary course focussing on economic, social and culture sciences. As a central part of the course students will learn social and economic skills relevant to Europe. These skills are required for analysis and understanding of the European Integration process and the use of educational and cultural scientific knowledge that enable careful dealings with diverse European cultures and the practical language training in three modern European languages (students will improve their knowledge of two languages and a third will be learnt ab initio). The course specifically specialises in ‘Middle and Eastern Europe’.

Berufliche Perspektiven

Depending on their individual focus (cultural, social or economic sciences) graduates tend to find work in public administration, in political parties or associations, educational institutions, the media, charities, EU institutions or national and international political organisations which deal with issues of European development and with integration processes in Europe. Consulting firms and companies operating transnationally also tend to offer our graduates great employment opportunities. Besides this, other possible areas are journalistic work with a speciality on the topic of Europe and employment in research institutes on both a national and international level as well as in industry and commerce.

Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?

Students are expected not only to have an outstanding command of the English language but also to be willing to approach the topic of ‘Europe’ from different perspectives. The course is aimed at those who are enthusiasts who do not want to be trained to be sociologists, political scientists, specialists in German or English, educators, economists and business economists in the conventional way, but are looking for a problem-orientated multi-disciplinary education in the complex subject of ‘Europe’.

More information

A six week internship at an institution outside of university and at least one semester abroad at one of the partner universities are mandatory in the framework of the course. For information about admission requirements, foreign language qualification requirements and application procedures, see the homepage:

Participation in "Math Preparation Course in English for Bachelor Students in IBE or EUS" is recommended.

Last Modification: 29.06.2023 - Contact Person: Allgemeine Studienberatung