Data and Knowledge Engineering

Study Programme

Data and Knowledge Engineering


Studienabschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.) Zugangsbeschränkung No restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung The target group of the Master Data and Knowledge Engineering are better-than-average graduates with a Bachelor degree in Computer Science or a closely related field with a minimum grade point average of 2,30 on the German scale. The duration of the Bachelor degree must be at least 3 years (six semesters), the degree must contain one course on Databases and either 10 courses (60 ECTS) in CS or 6 courses (40 ECTS) in CS and 4 courses (20 ECTS) in applied statistics. These courses may not be exercises or praktika.

The Master DKE can be studied in German or English. Thus International candidates must prove knowledge of German or English on level C1 according to the Common European Framework (e.g. DSH, TestDaF or TOEFL, IELTS, CAE). Here you find the different certificates accepted by our University and how CEFR C1 maps to each one. Beware that this webpage contains also the mapping for B2; for the data science Master DKE, make sure that you check under C1. Exceptions from the English evaluation are listed at the end of that webpage.

Detailed information about the Master DKE can be found here. application instructions here.

Candidates fullfilling these requirements are further subject to a process of eligibility assessment. The regulations governing all prerequisites of the degree are part of the degree's statutes. Here you find all statutes of the degree, most recent document first. To identify the current prerequisites, choose the most recent document named SPO_Master_...; you will find also a courtesy translation of that document in the same webpage. Beware that this document describes the regulations of more than one degree, so please focus only on the statements that concern the data science Master DKE.

Towards the end of the courtesy translation, you find also the formula for calculating your grade in the German system

Applicants have to fill out and submit the following form and the required documents.
Regelstudienzeit 4 Semesters Studienbeginn Winter-/Sommersemester Application deadline Applicants with German Bachelor degree an der OVGU Winter Semester: 15 July Applicants with German Bachelor degree an der OVGU Summer Semester: 15 January Applicants with International Bachelor degree über uni-assist Winter Semester: 15 May Applicants with International Bachelor degree über uni-assist Summer Semester: 15 November


In the Master Data and Knowledge Engineering students acquire solid knowledge on the theoretical aspects and application areas of knowledge discovery, machine learning, data mining and warehousing, of the supporting database technologies, the languages and models for the representation of data, information and knowledge.The Master DKE offers interdisciplinary courses, practical exercises and project works, in which students become familiar with the challenges of applications in business, natural sciences, biotechnology, security, manufacturing and engineering. They obtain the expertise and skills necessary for the design and realization of innovative solutions - working in one-person projects and in teams.

Berufliche Perspektiven

  • Knowledge engineers in large institutions like banks, automobile industry and medical centers
  • Project leaders for interdisciplinary projects of large and medium enterprises
  • Consultants in such
  • PhD studies for an academic career

Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?

see Entry Requirements

Last Modification: 08.12.2023 - Contact Person: Allgemeine Studienberatung