Electrical and Information Technology

Study Programme

Electrical and Information Technology


Studienabschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.) Zugangsbeschränkung No restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung Qualified completion of a Bachelor's degree programme or a diploma programme in the corresponding subject area. The completed degree must:
- at least 20 CP in the field of mathematics
- at least 10 CP in the field of physics
- at least 18 CP in the field of fundamentals of electrical engineering
Regelstudienzeit 3 Semesters Studienbeginn Winter-/Sommersemester Application deadline Bewerbung mit deutschem Bachelorabschluss an der OVGU Wintersemester: 15. September Bewerbung mit deutschem Bachelorabschluss an der OVGU Sommersemester: 15. March Bewerbung mit internationalem Bachelorabschluss über uni-assist Wintersemester: 15. July Bewerbung mit internationalem Bachelorabschluss über uni-assist Sommersemester: 15. January


The Master's degree programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is a research-oriented engineering degree programme. The aim is to form a focus within electrical engineering and information technology as well as to train and deepen subject areas based on scientific criteria that enable students to take on demanding management tasks in industry and to conduct independent research work with the aim of obtaining a doctorate and pursuing an academic career. Building on broad-based fundamental knowledge acquired in a relevant Bachelor's degree programme, students in the Master's degree programme have a high degree of independent design options open to them. This is supported by a range of content that covers the entire breadth of electrical engineering and information technology. Students can choose between the defined specialisations of automation technology, electrical power engineering, microsystems and semiconductor technology as well as information and communication technology. In addition to the acquisition of knowledge in the courses, self-study and the practical aspects of implementing knowledge are strongly encouraged in order to face the diverse tasks of application, research or teaching-related fields of activity and to master the frequently changing tasks of a highly qualified specialist and manager as well as a scientist.


  •     Automation Technology
  •     Electrical Power Engineering
  •     Information and communication technology

Berufliche Perspektiven

The job market for electrical engineers is very broad. Areas of employment include, for example, the electrical and electronics industry, the information industry, the electricity industry, mechanical and plant engineering, the automotive industry and the public sector.

Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?

Solid knowledge of mathematics and science subjects as well as the ability to acquire mathematical and scientific knowledge and approaches and to apply these to technical problems.

Last Modification: 24.05.2022 - Contact Person: Allgemeine Studienberatung