Mechanical Engineering

Study Programme

Mechanical Engineering


Studienabschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.) Zugangsbeschränkung No restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung Relevant Bachelor's degree (at least 180 CP) or, if the degree still missing, at least 150 CP for 6-semester degrees respectively 180 CP for 7-semester degrees. The successful Bachelor's degree must then be submitted by 15.06. or 15.12. at the latest.

An average grade of at least 3.0 calculated from the examination results.

Proof of professional competence by at least
25 CP in the competence area natural science and computer science (of which 10 CP mathematics and 5 CP computer science),
10 CP in the field of construction,
10 CP in the field of technical mechanics,
20 CP in the field of technical engineering
as well as a 10-week mechanical engineering-oriented internship in industry or business.

For international applicants:
Language certificate DSH level 2 (TestDaf 4x4, DSD II, Telc C1 Hochschule or equivalent)

If these required credit points are not fulfilled, approval may be granted with requirements of maximum 10 CP. The internship can also be made up as a requirement.
Regelstudienzeit 4 Semesters Studienbeginn Winter-/Sommersemester Application deadline Applicants with German Bachelor Degree an der OVGU Winter Semester: 15 September Applicants with German Bachelor Degree an der OVGU Summer Semester: 15 March Applicants with International Bachelor Degree über uni-assist Winter Semester: 15 July Applicants with International Bachelor Degree über uni-assist Summer Semester: 15 January


The aim of the Mechanical Engineering program is to acquire a broad but at the same time detailed and critical understanding of specialist knowledge. The ability is developed to work independently with scientific methods, to familiarize oneself with the various tasks of the application, research or teaching areas and to cope with the frequently changing tasks of professional life.

In terms of content, the master's program builds on the preceding bachelor's program and goes well beyond it in terms of quality. Students acquire the skills to critically question opinions in their field, to solve upcoming problems in a scientifically structured manner considering related disciplines and to creatively develop their field beyond the current state of the art. They are able to present their proposed solution to colleagues and laymen respectively to impart their knowledge and to acquire new knowledge. Also based on limited information, graduates can make scientifically sound decisions taking into account social and ethical insights. They are able to take responsibility in a team.


  • Product Development
  • Production Engineering
  • Mobile Systems
  • General mechanical engineering

A mandatory enrolment in a major is required upon matriculation at the latest.

The focus of the "Product Development" profiling is primarily on the development, construction, design and computational layout of individual parts, assemblies and complete machines or assets. On the basis of modern design and simulation tools, products are optimized in terms of resource efficiency, sustainability and service life.

The "Production Engineering" profiling focuses more strongly on the technologies used to manufacture products, the selection and application of machines and systems, and the definition of technological parameters starting from the raw part through to the finished product. In-depth knowledge of the equipment used and procedures in the production processes are taught.

The "Mobile Systems" profiling provides a fundamental understanding of the mechanical and mechatronic components used in today's time and future drive systems in order to be able to independently analyse, compare and evaluate different vehicle, engine, drive and control concepts.

The "General Mechanical Engineering" profiling combines the possibilities of the specific profiling directions. The graduate sees himself or herself as a generalist. The wide range of options allows a very individual composition of study contents in order to prepare specifically for later (desired) employment or to keep all development possibilities open.

Berufliche Perspektiven

Graduates are qualified, on the one hand, for managerial and independent activities in the investment and consumer goods industry (e.g. the following sectors: mechanical engineering, toolmaking, drive technology, vehicle construction, electrical engineering/electronics, design offices, aerospace, iron/sheet metal/metal, medical technology, plastics, building materials) both in application and service and in research. On the other hand, corresponding activities in science, education and public service are possible. With the appropriate aptitude, attractive jobs in technical sales are also open to graduates.

The challenging fields of activity offer excellent professional and personal development opportunities.

Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?

Good knowledge of mathematics, science, and technology; interest in computer science, thinking in systems and structures, and solving complex problems, working in interdisciplinary teams, and taking leadership roles.

More information

In the master's degree program in mechanical engineering, teaching is interdisciplinary in orientation, depending on the chosen profiling. This involves developing competencies for the development of sustainable and resource-efficient products as well as for the planning, development and introduction of new factories, production strategies, machining processes, machines and aggregates. Graduates are also qualified to organize and optimize processes in purchasing, manufacturing, quality control, shipping, commissioning and repair, and even the reprocessing of end-of-life products.

This master's degree obtained at Otto von Guericke University provides a prerequisite for further postgraduate education in the field of engineering and related fields (for example, doctorate).

Last Modification: 17.05.2023 - Contact Person: Allgemeine Studienberatung