Safety and Hazard Defence
Safety and Hazard Defence
Studienabschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.) Zugangsbeschränkung Restricted admission for some subjects Zulassungsvoraussetzung Bachelor of Science "Safety and Security" or relevant engineering degree (Bachelor, FH or Uni) as decided by the examination board on a case-by-case basis. Regelstudienzeit 3 Semesters Studienbeginn Winter-/Sommersemester Application deadline Bewerbung mit deutschem Bachelorabschluss Winter 15. September / Summer 15. March Bewerbung mit internationalem Bachelorabschluss über uni-assist Winter 15. July / Summer 15. JanuaryObjectives
Building on the Bachelor's degree programme, further expertise in the field of safety and security is imparted. Graduates will acquire in-depth competence in the areas of fire protection, disaster prevention and civil protection, environmental protection, immission control, water protection, safety management, occupational and operational safety, psychosocial aspects of hazard prevention, preventive structural fire protection, fire cause identification and risk analysis.
Berufliche Perspektiven
The professional fields of application of the training are seen as: Plant fire brigades, professional fire brigades, full-time managers of voluntary fire brigades, federal, state and local authorities, police, insurance companies, fire protection in the building industry, industrial companies for fire protection and safety equipment, independent expert activities.
Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?
Interests: Linking natural science contexts with the application topics from fire protection, disaster management and civil protection.