Sports Science

Study Programme

Sports Science


Studienabschluss Master of Arts (M.A.) Zugangsbeschränkung Restricted admission for some subjects Zulassungsvoraussetzung Bachelor's degree with at least good grades in the field of sports science Regelstudienzeit 4 Semesters Studienbeginn Winter-/Sommersemester (nur in begründeten Fällen) Application Details Local Numerus Clausus Application deadline Bewerbung mit deutschem Bachelorabschluss an der OVGU 15. September Bewerbung mit internationalem Bachelorabschluss über uni-assist 15. July


They acquire professional competences for the control of human movement action for the purpose of sport performance enhancement as well as health maintenance and improvement. They are enabled to design and further develop movement-related diagnostic procedures and intervention measures based on knowledge and to use them responsibly.

Berufliche Perspektiven

Institutions of preventive health care, rehabilitation, spa and health centres; training centres, Olympic bases and federal performance centres; universities and colleges; centres for further and continuing education as well as private education providers; sports clubs and associations; commercial sports providers.

Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?

Interest in the diagnosis and optimisation of human movement possibilities; sports science knowledge of the fundamentals of human movement; experience in the development and implementation of movement-related intervention concepts.

Last Modification: 07.07.2023 - Contact Person: Allgemeine Studienberatung