Operations Research and Business Analytics

Study Programme

Operations Research and Business Analytics


Studienabschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.) Zugangsbeschränkung Restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung 1. Relevant bachelor’s, diploma, or comparable degree from a recognized university in Germany with at least 140 ECTS (at the time of applying),
and an average grade from 1.0 up to 2.9 (German grading scale applies), determined from the examination results.

- A study program is relevant if at least:
A. 45 ECTS (EU degrees) or 9 modules (Non-EU degrees) in economics, business administration, and at least 20 ECTS (EU degrees) or 4 (Non-EU degrees) in the field of quantitative methods, or
B. 65 ECTS (EU degrees) or 13 modules (Non-EU degrees) in Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, Operations Research modules
have been acquired.

2. Proof of the relevant first academic degree with the mandatory standardized form “Relevance” of the faculty.

- Applicants who have obtained their bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg do not have to prove the relevance of a completed undergraduate degree, as this information is already known to the faculty.

3. Proof of English Skills (options) on the required level with a recognized test.

4. Mandatory, standardized form “Letter of Motivation” of the faculty.

5. Professional experiences, and internships set out in a tabular CV

Regelstudienzeit 4 Semesters Studienbeginn Wintersemester Application deadline Applicants with a German Bachelor degree an der OVGU 15 July Applicants with an International Bachelor degree über uni-assist 15 June


The master’s program in Operations Research and Business Analytics is designed to teach students the necessary scientific methods for analyzing and optimizing of complex relationships in economics and management processes. Students will acquire a distinct knowledge of applications in the areas of supply chain management, operations, logistics, financial and risk management, and capital markets. Additionally, students will be able to independently develop solutions and utilize alternative problem solving methods, think systematically, and critically evaluate decisions.

Along with providing input data for business administration planning models, students will learn to create and use mathematical and algorithmic models and, when necessary, develop them independently.  The analytical capabilities and practical problem solving competencies of the students will be developed and strengthened.

Berufliche Perspektiven

This study program is designed to equip students with the knowledge, methods, and skills necessary for professional careers in both the private and public sectors of locally and international institutions. Graduates will be able to find jobs within a variety of companies dealing with supply chain management, operations, logistics, capital markets, financial and risk management, as well as industries where data plays an important role in the decision making processes. Moreover, this study program prepares students with the necessary knowledge to seek a doctoral study program (Ph.D.) in business or economics.

Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?

The study program builds upon a strong foundation of mathematics, business administration, and economic theories. A good understanding of operations research and advanced skills in English are required.

More information

Applicants who obtained an undergraduate degree from the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Otto-von-Guericke University do not need to submit the relevance of previous studies form, as this information is already available at the faculty.

Last Modification: 19.09.2022 - Contact Person: Allgemeine Studienberatung