Facts & Figures
Students (Status WS 2019/20) |
13.797students ‣ 5.725 |
of which 3.278 new students (in the first semester) |
| Bachelor's students 1.690 | Master's students 1.323 | Medical students 191 | Other: 74 |
from Sayony-Anhalt 4.60 ‣ 1.776 |
International students 3.455 ‣ 1.229 |
Students within standard course duration 9.566 |
Total Students By Faculty |
Electrical Engineering & Information Technology 943 ‣ 231 |
Humanities, Social Science & Education 3.182 ‣ 1.802 |
Computer Science 1.752 ‣ 368 |
Mechanical Engineering 1.417 ‣ 245 |
Mathematics 389 ‣ 139 |
Medicine 1.634 ‣ 959 |
Natural Sciences 756 ‣ 506 |
Process & Systems Engineering 1.313 ‣ 326 |
Economics & Management 2.411 ‣ 1.149 |
Gradiates Academic Year 2018/19 |
2.261 ‣ 1.045 |
of which human medicine 188 ‣ 111 |
Doctorates and Habilitations Status 2019 |
Completed doctorates 254 ‣ 123 |
Completed post-doctoral degrees 11 ‣ 1 |
Personnel (FTE) Status 12/2019 |
Personnel Financed From The Budget 2.051 ‣ 1.012 |
of which Professors 197 ‣ 37 |
of which Faculty of Medicine 55 ‣ 9 |
of which Other Academic Personnel 1.031 ‣ 431 |
of which Non-Academic Personnel 823 ‣ 544 |
Personnel Financed By Third-Party Funding 877 ‣ 367 |
of which Academic Personnel 666 ‣ 230 |
of which Non-academic Personnel 208 ‣ 137 |
Finances (in €) |
Budget |
State funding excl. Medicine: 97,2 million (2019) |
State funding for Medicine: 51,7 million (2019) |
Third-Party Spending |
Third-party funding spent excl. Medicine: 37,3 million (2019) |
Third-party funding spent - Medicine: 24,4 Mio. million (2019) |
Key: ‣ of which woman | FTE = full time equivalent