Climate Commission

The Senate Climate Commission was established in March 2022. The founding members work on an interim basis until the first regular election.


In its meeting on 12.07.2023, the OVGU Senate approved the draft resolution of the Senate Commission on Climate to concretise the goal of net greenhouse gas neutrality. More information on this and the exact resolution can be found here.

Mission of the commission

  • Support of the university management, faculties, central institutions as well as administration in climate-relevant decisions
  • Preparation of senate drafts and statements on climate-relevant aspects

Next Meeting

  • 13.02.2024, 09 a.m. - online
    • Place: Fakultätszentrum der FWW (G22A-225) or online: ; Kenncode: 544339
    • Public meeting: Interested persons are welcome  (speaking rights available by request to a member)

 Members & Operation

  • Meetings are one time per month
  • Working group meetings according to individual arrangement
Climate neutrality
Climate neutrality
Mobility survey
Mobility survey
Business travel
Business travel
Bicycle transportation
Bicycle transportation
Energy conservation
Energy conservation
Energy generation
Energy generation
Re-use/ Re-furbish
Re-use/ Re-furbish
Public Relations
Public Relations
Mitglieder Klimakommission

Last Modification: 07.02.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster