Process Safety and Environmental Engineering
Process Safety and Environmental Engineering
Studienabschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.) Zugangsbeschränkung No restricted admission Zulassungsvoraussetzung A bachelor degree (minimum 180 credit points, EQF 6) in chemical engineering, process engineering, energy engineering, or a closely related subject with a minimum GPA of 2,3 on the German scale. Adequate English language skills must be demonstrated through: TOEFL-test (550 points paper based, 213 points computer based, or 80 points internet based), Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) minimum score: C, Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) minimum score: B or IELTS-test overall band score 6.0. Regelstudienzeit 4 Semesters Studienbeginn Winter-/Sommersemester Application deadline Applicants with German Bachelor Degree an der OVGU Winter Semester: 15 September Applicants with German Bachelor Degree an der OVGU Summer Semester: 15 March Applicants with International Bachelor Degree über uni-assist Winter Semester: 15 April - 15 July Applicants with International Bachelor Degree über uni-assist Summer Semester: 15 November - 15 JanuaryObjectives
The economical usage of energy resources, safe production and handling of materials, and the protection of the environment are gaining importance worldwide. Safety and environmental protection are indispensable elements of any industrial activity. In a modern society technical processes will only be accepted if the emerging hazards are identified and kept under control and if the environmental impact is reduced to an acceptable minimum. To achieve these aims, experts are needed which possess both an in-depth understanding of process engineering as well as specific knowledge of safety and environmental technologies. The master program Process Safety and Environmental Engineering aims to educate experts for industry as well as for authorities, research organizations, and higher education. Graduates from the program are versed in the natural scientific fundamentals of technical processes, especially those related to safety and environment and think and act holistically in the assessment of safety and environmental concerns and their prevention and mitigation. They are capable to apply their engineering know-how to safety and environmental problems and appropriate solutions.
Berufliche Perspektiven
chemical and pharmaceutical industry, petro-chemical industry, oil and gas industry, power generation, waste management, animal feed and food industries, materials science, apparatus, machine and plant engineering, research organizations, etc.
Passt dieser Studiengang zu mir?
Interests: Enhancement of the proficiencies obtained in the bachelor studies with a focus on the topics of the particular master program. A solid background in engineering and mathematics, interest and enjoyment in scientific and technical problem solving, and the ability to transfer theoretical concepts into a practical setting are required.