Application documents

Motivation letter

The motivation letter should express your personal interest and ambition to study in the Master of Visual Computing at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. This will (and should) differ from individual to individual but below you find some information that will typically be of importance and should hence be included in the letter:
  • Relevant courses taken
  • Relevant internships and work experience
  • Publications
  • Personal projects related to visual computing (please link to webpages or code repositories that can give us a clearer understanding of the project)
  • Why do you want to study in the program (for example what career do you want to pursue)
  • Which area (s) of visual computing is most interesting for you and why
Agencies sell motivation letters for master programs. Be aware that these agencies will not be able to provide you with a letter tailored towards visual computing and our program.


Letter of recommendation

The letter of recommendation should describe the applicant's academic standing as well as his potential. The following information will typically be of relevance:
  • Relation between letter writer (which should be a faculty member or other academic supervisor) and applicant, for example which courses the student took with her / him
  • Performance of the student in the courses she / he took with the letter writer
  • Overall standing of the student in the program (for example top 5% of students of his cohort)
  • Applicant's intellectual aptitude

Letzte Änderung: 30.08.2021 - Ansprechpartner: