
Current Announcements

Instruments for disseminating and exploiting project results


Instruments for disseminating and exploiting project results

The EU Commission provides the following instruments for the publication, dissemination and exploitation of research results from EU projects for free use:

1. Horizon Results Platform:

2. Open Research Europe

3. Horizon Results Booster

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Start-up Funding for Horizon Europe for German coordinators


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports German coordinators in extending their European networks and in preparing of project proposals in Pillar II of "Horizon Europe".

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Horizon Europe: Experts for projects 2021-2027


The European Commission has published a call for interest to review project proposals under Horizon Europe: Call for expression of interest.

Experts who are already registered in the database do not need to reapply. However, they may have to express their willingness to undertake an assessment activity within the framework of Horizon Europe and can also update their data.


You can apply for a review electronically via the European Commission's funding portal.

You can find the website for the project assessment here.

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Research Funding and Brexit


The United Kingdom left the EU on December 31, 2020. With the withdrawal agreement of 24/12/2020, UK institutions will typically remain eligible for programs funded by the 2014-20 Multiannual Financial Framework. This also includes Horizon 2020.

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Participation of third countries in Horizon Europe: Status of associations


The European Commission has concluded association agreements with a number of countries. This means that institutions from the following countries can participate as eligible partners in Horizon Europe, HEU (incl. European Innovation Council, EIC) under the same conditions as institutions from EU Member States:

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Last Modification: 10.10.2022 - Contact Person: Webmaster