Federal Government

For research projects that the university implements in conjunction with or on behalf of small and medium-sized enterprises, the programmes of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in particular, with the project coordination agency, the AiF (Federation of Industrial Research Associations), and the "Entrepreneurial Regions" programme run by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which only applies to the new federal states, offer many promising funding possibilities. → Funding for SMEs

Furthermore, there are numerous research programmes that have been developed on an inter-agency basis such as the Energy Research Programme and the Sustainability Programme IKT as well as many research programmes run by the individual ministries, that primarily publish topic-related calls for tender, for which candidates must apply by a fixed deadline.

The Federal Government publishes funding rules for its funding programmes, generally with a fixed deadline by which applications must be submitted, whilst in a few cases applications may be submitted at any time. The deadlines are published on the pages of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which is responsible for coordinating research funding.

  • Funding programmes of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF
  • Funding programmes of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMWi
  • It is possible to search by keywords for a suitable federal funding programme in the BMWi funding database.
Hightech-Strategie 2025

The core concern of the High-Tech Strategy 2025 is to make knowledge work. Selected measures within the framework of the High-Tech Strategy are:

  • Cyber Agency
  • Electromobility
  • Research initiative mFUND (Modernity Fund)
  • Forum for an Open Culture of Innovation
  • Research for Sustainability (FONA)
  • Initiative INNOspace© and INNOspace Masters
  • Initiative for IT Security in the Economy
  • Innovation Programme Future Construction
  • Maritime Research Strategy
  • National Research Data Infrastructure
  • New Vehicle and System Technologies
  • Technology Transfer Lightweight Construction (TTP-LB)
Applications Form

The federal government has set up an electronic application and proposal system called "easy-Online". There you can fill out the application forms on the computer, submit them online and then print them out and also find the funding guidelines. The applicant is the university. This means that for the application to be legally valid, it must be signed by the Chancellor. The signature is obtained by the Finance Department, which also checks the formal details.

Funding applications to the federal government must also usually be submitted via the Ministry of Economics, Science and Digitisation of the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

The rules for submitting applications are described in detail in the respective funding guidelines.

Form cabinet of the ministries

Application forms (easy-online) and funding guidelines

Information on the project lump sum can be found in the forms cabinet, in form 0027 under no. 0865

Last Modification: 24.06.2022 - Contact Person: Martina Hagen