
Harz University of Applied Sciences

2025 to 2027 EU - ERASMUS+

PROSPER - Jean Monnet Network

The OVGU is one of the beneficiaries to receive funding from the European Union (EU) to establish the Jean Monnet Network called PROSPER (, Project to Research Opportunities to Strengthen Prosperity and Economic Resilience in the EU, ), coordinated by Dublin City University Brexit Institute & Dublin European Law Institute under the lead of Professor Federico Fabbrini. It involves 12 academic institutions from 12 different EU member states. Professor Heidbreder is to be the university's academic lead., The aim of this network of 12 academic institutions from 12 different EU member states is to strengthen knowledge sharing, promote best practices, and address contemporary challenges facing the EU through interdisciplinary research and educational initiatives. It focuses on exploring and enhancing economic resilience within the EU, by identifying and promoting strategies that can bolster economic stability and growth, particularly in the context of challenges such as globalisation, climate change, and economic disparities among member states., The multidisciplinary team of the OVGU, led by Professor Heidbreder, also consists the team of the Jean Monnet Chair that signs responsible for the BA and MA European Studies., PROSPER is the only project that has received funding from the EU under the Jean Monnet internal network call of 2024. The 12 academic institutions that are involved are: Dublin City University (IE), Central European University (HU), Free University of Bolzano/Bozen (IT), University of Copenhagen (DK), Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL), Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona (ES), Jagiellonian University Krakow (PL), Universitè Libre de Bruxelles (BE), University of Luxembourg (LU), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (DE), Université Paris-Est Creteil (FR), and Aristotele University of Thessaloniki (EL). The Jean Monnet Network PROSPER is overall coordinated by Professor Federico Fabbrini, Professor of EU Law & Policy and Founding Director of the DCU Brexit Institute & Dublin European Law Institute., The Jean Monnet Network PROSPER is led by Professor Federico Fabbrini of Dublin City University Brexit Institute & Dublin European Law Institute. Professor Eva Heidbreder, Chair for Multilevel Governance in Europe and Jean Monnet Chair will lead the team at the OVGU. Leiter/-in: Eva G. Heidbreder View project in the research portal
2023 to 2027 EU - COST

CA22150 - Comparative Research on the Executive Triangle in Europe (CoREx)

Description, CoREx creates a unique pan-European network of researchers studying the relationships of executive politicians, top civil servants, and ministerial advisers (‘the executive triangle’) from an internationally comparative perspective. These three actors and their mutual relationships significantly shape policymaking. Their capacity to solve problems and to make legitimate decisions are at the core of democratic governance. While pressing contemporary policy problems require professional top civil service competence, executive politicians demand political advice from personally trusted individuals to navigate their increasingly polarized and mediatized environments. CoREx addresses this tension between professional competence and political craft by taking a system-perspective on the executive triangle. Through pan-European networking and knowledge sharing across all regions in Europe, it develops a common conceptual and methodological framework revolving around different dimensions of politicization to collect comparative data from across Europe. Thereby, CoREx bridges currently disconnected research on the top civil service and ministerial advisers, as well as disparities in geographical coverage and research capacities. CoREx will generate comparative datasets and analyses on the institutional set-up, career backgrounds, roles and interactions in policymaking, and accountability and transparency of the executive triangle across regions and over time. In an innovative way, CoREx will provide systematic comparative knowledge about trends, causes, and consequences of different configurations of the executive triangle. CoREx contributes to a better understanding of democratic governance in times of increasing political polarization and populist politics. The unprecedented results will be relevant for the scientific community, stakeholders, and the public at large., Action keywords, top civil servants - ministerial advisers - politicization - comparative public administration - policymaking Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr. Eva G. Heidbreder View project in the research portal
2024 to 2027 EU - ERA Net, Joint Programm

REJUVENATE: Rerouting towards REsilience to JUVENile stress-induced psychopAThologiEs in adulthood: Spotlight on behavioural profiling and lifestyle interventions (Funded by ERA-NET NEURON – 2023 Call) - € ~274,000 (€ 1,081,000 total funding) (DFG, Projektnummer: 542950222)

Childhood adversities have long-lasting consequences in terms of mental health and well-being, and, exposure to childhood adversities (Juvenile stress [JS]) significantly increases vulnerability to mood and, anxiety disorders later in life. Yet, not all show an increased risk of adulthood psychopathology. Some individuals develop resilience, helping them to better cope with later life challenges. Our primary, objectives are (1) To elucidate mechanisms relating JS to vulnerability and resilience to stressful challenges in adulthood, and (2) To test the therapeutic/preventive potential of translational life-style interventions on the negative impact of JS later in life (i.e., boosting resilience). Our secondary objective is to systematically address sex-related differences in sensitivity, in related mechanisms underlying stress vulnerability or resilience, and in the effectiveness of life-style interventions for enhancing mental health resilience. Leiter/-in: Gürsel Caliskan View project in the research portal
2023 to 2026 EU - ERASMUS+

Second Language Learning at School for all Teenagers (SLS4Teens)

Im Rahmen des Projekts SLS4Teens sollen Lehrkräfte innovative Methoden für das Lehren und Lernen von Fremd- und Zweitsprachen kennenlernen und im eigenen Unterricht erproben. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf dem Ziel, Sprachlernende für die mündliche Konversation schneller und besser zu befähigen und zu ermutigen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen werden 50 aktive Sprachlehrer (30 Lehrer für Englisch als Fremdsprache und 20 Zweitsprachenlehrer für Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund) und 25 angehende Lehrer der fünf Partneruniversitäten (Angers und Nantes in Frankreich, Extremadura in Spanien, Parma in Italien, Magdeburg in Deutschland) im Rahmen eines Online-Fortbildungskurses und vor Ort-Schulungen über zwei Jahre hinweg ausgebildet. Der Effekt dieser Maßnahmen wird evaluiert, und alle Materialien stehen später Open-Access Ausbildungsstätten zur Verfügung. Leiter/-in: Karina Becker View project in the research portal
2022 to 2025 EU - ERASMUS+

Development of Financial Autonomy of Universities in the Kyrgyz Republic

DEFA unterstützt 10 kirgisische Hochschulen dabei, neue Wege des hochschulautonomen Selbstmanagements zu gehen. In Kooperation mit dem zuständigen Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsministerium werden neue Modi des Finanzmanagements erprobt und verstetigt. Gegenstand ist zudem die Weiterentwicklung der nationalen Regularien für das Selbstmanagement der Hochschulen im Land. Leiter/-in: Philipp Pohlenz, Philipp Pohlenz View project in the research portal
2022 to 2025 EU - ERASMUS+

Jean Monnet Chair in Interactive Multilevel Democracy in Europe

The, Jean Monnet Chair, in, Interactive Multilevel Democracy in Europe, takes a forward-looking approach to the timely issue of democratic participation in the EU system. In face of substantive democratic challenges on the EU- level and in the member states, the JMC contributes to the theoretical understanding, the work of policymakers, and the hands-on engagement of citizens. IMUDE promotes three key objectives. First, innovative teaching ap- proaches and IMUDE-related content enhance excellence, interdisciplinary and internationality in teaching. Meth- odologically, the JMC builds on the recent reforms of a BA and MA in European Studies and formulates concrete improvements to boost the quality and scope of the programmes; an additional vocational training module comple- ments the efforts. Second, research on the conditions for active citizenship in the EU boundary-crossing democracy will produce tangible research outputs on the guiding theme. Starting points are publications which form the scien- tific canvass on which to analyse recent democratisation and participatory initiatives, and to offer hands-on guid- ance for practitioners. Third, the JMC will develop formats for public debate to establish a regular interactive dia- logue between academia, policy-makers and citizens. The third-mission activities that open the university to a wider public are of extreme relevance in face of increasing anti-democratic and anti-EU voting behaviour. To guarantee a sustainable impact, the JMC a) builds on a firm background of prior work, b) formulates concrete projects that invest into people, structures and instruments, c) links the three focal points to mutually advance the underpinning key objectives. IMUDE as lead theme is therefore not only a topic that is taken up in teaching, re- search and outreach but the Jean Monnet Chair itself is dedicated to the ideal of a more interactive multilevel democratic approach. Leiter/-in: Eva G. Heidbreder View project in the research portal
2022 to 2025 EU - ERASMUS+

BitTheSpectrum - Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies to Boost Literary and Social Emotion Skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder Students

Das BITTHESPECTRUM-Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Erfahrung und die Fähigkeiten von Experten für neue Technologien und Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) zusammenzubringen, um die Qualität des Lehr- Lernprozesses für Schüler dieser Zielgruppe zu verbessern. Dieses Ziel folgt dem europäischen Vorschlag für eine "Empfehlung des Rates" über qualitativ hochwertige frühkindliche Bildungs- und Betreuungssysteme, die als eine der fünf Schlüsselkomponenten vorgesehen ist: "Ausbildung und Arbeitsbedingungen des, für die frühkindliche Bildung und Betreuung zuständigen, Personals"., Um dieses Hauptziel zu erreichen, wurden folgende Ziele definiert:, 1. Verbesserung der Qualität des Bildungs- und Betreuungsprozesses des Personals, das mit Menschen mit ASD arbeitet, 2. Bereitstellung innovativer und geeigneter Werkzeuge (AR/VR) für Lehrer, Ausbilder und andere Mitarbeiter, um das Ziel 1 zu erreichen., 3. Verbesserung der Qualität des Lernprozesses von Menschen mit ASD in Bezug auf Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten und soziale Emotionen, 4. Verbesserung der Qualität der inklusiven Berufsbildung in den beteiligten Ländern, 5. Verstärkung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen europäischen Einrichtungen, die im Bereich der inklusiven Bildung und der Technologieentwicklung arbeiten Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr. Frank Bünning View project in the research portal

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