DYNA - Dynamic Networking
DYNA is an academic Think Tank based at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg and is, since April 2021, in the planning phase. The Think Tank aims to strengthen regional development under the thrust of Smart Specialisation and Beyond EDP.
The goal of DYNA is to incorporate science and scientific knowledge into society. To achieve this, the Think Tank plans to improve the communication between academia, industry, politics and civil society in Saxony-Anhalt. Particularly, existing networks will be used, enhanced and interlinked. Through the systematic maintenance and development of networks, current gaps can be narrowed. Consequently, not only intense collaborations between the actors of the Q4 Helix will be achieved, but also a new way for innovations and trends will be paved.
Through the realisation of events, analysis of trends, and identification of relevant stakeholders, DYNA will be able to support the leading markets of Saxony-Anhalt and stabilise the European approach of Smart Specialisation regionally. In this way, not only does the region become stronger within the European context, but the role of the local society is reinforced.
DYNA will develop creative formats and innovative strategies to foster communication and networking in strategic locations. Additionally, to transform innovative concepts into reality, DYNA will provide guidance and support during the process of searching contacts, cooperation partners, and funding instruments.
Even though DYNA is located at the University of Magdeburg, the Think Tank will operate far beyond the University boundaries and even beyond Magdeburg. The university’s background ensures efficient implementation of multidisciplinary work, not only in the context of applied sciences. DYNA´s focus does not lie solely on specific projects, but rather on constructing strategic added value in Saxony-Anhalt.
Dr Karsten Steinmetz is the manager of the project. Moreover, since April 2021 Rodrigo Torres Adelsberger is responsible for the business administration and Paula Willert manages the activities in Marketing and PR. Additionally, the team is supported by Student and Academic Assistants.
Review: `guerickes Business Brunch
´guerickes Business Brunch is an event of the ThinkTank DYNA that emphasises specific topics of the leading markets in Saxony-Anhalt. The main goal is to foster the contacts and networks between scientists and entrepreneurs. Consequently, the ThinkTank DYNA promotes the collaborative work within leading markets trough events and supports the involvement of scientific knowledge in various components in the society.
2022: Intelligent Digitalisation of Energy Supply - On our Way to Felxible Network and Prosumers
On June 7th 2022, `guerickes Businessbrunch was organised by the ThinkTank DYNA for the third time. This time around at the Sinuswelle of the Enercon Company and looking at the topic of energy supply in Magdeburg and Saxony-Anhalt.
The program started with opening words of Dr Dirk Hofmann, director of Windgeneratorenfertigung Magdeburg GmbH, Prof. Dr Jens Strackeljan, Rector of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Thomas Wünsch, State Secretary of Ministry for Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Enviroment of Saxony-Anhalt, and Dr Jürgen Ude, State Secretary of State Chancellery and Ministry for Culture of Saxony-Anhalt.
Later Prof. Dr Martin Wolter held a professional input. The topic was very graphic because of a live boradcast and presentation of the digital possibilities within energy supply. The short lecture started agile discussions during the brunch later on.
2021: 3D printing - Chance for the Region, Challenge for Economy and Science
On November 9th 2021, ´guerickes Business Brunch was organised by the ThinkTank DYNA for the second time on the topic of 3D printing and additive manufacturing in Magdeburg and Saxony-Anhalt. The event happend at the Oerlikon AM Europe Company in Barleben.
We were especially excited to start the event with brief welcome words of Dr Jürgen Ude, State Secretary of Ministry for Economy, Tourism, Agriculture and Forest of Saxony-Anhalt, and of Prof. Dr Jens Strackeljan, Rector of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU). Afterwards, we heard two short keynotes of Mr Hendrik Alfter, Oerlikon AM Europe Company, and of Prof. Dr Christiane Beyer, Head of Chair in Product Developement and Construction at the OVGU.
Later at a panel discussion the attendees could meet and greet Prof. Dr Thomas Böllinghaus from the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Jean Daniel Sülberg from the German Aerospace Centre, and Sebastian Meinecke from the Urwahn Engineering Company.
Additionally, all the guests had an opportunity to explore the factory of the Oerlikon AM Europe Comapny during a guided tour. In the end, the attendees carried out intense and dynamic networking activities.
Several professors of the OVGU, as well as scientists from research instituts, attended ´guerickes Business Brunch. Moreover numerours entrepreneurs from Saxony-Anhalt, which are either experienced with 3D pritning and additive manufacturing, or are interested in employing these technologies in the future.