What is XING and what is the importance of the network?
XING is THE business network; it was founded in 2003 as openBC and developed further from 2006 under the name XING. More than 9 million users worldwide and over 4 million users from Germany are networked via XING.
XING is:
- a contact database that contains profiles of your possible business partners and is equipped with very high-performance search functions
- an opportunity for you to present yourself with the following categories:
- I am searching for
- I offer
- Interests
- Organisations
- Career history
- Education profile
- Contact details
- One of the largest forum platforms in the business environment with the possibility of starting your own forums
- One of the best opportunities for coming into contact with head hunters and looking for jobs or offering your services
- The best way of getting back in touch with former colleagues and reviving contacts
- A business and contact-related events calendar with the opportunity of inviting your contacts to events.
- ...and much more. Click here to view a short film with more information.
Becoming a member - what does it cost?
Ordinary membership is free. Anyone can register, build a profile and search for old acquaintances. It is important to have a well maintained profile to get the best use out of XING and be found and contacted by other members. If you are not prepared to divulge information about yourself on the internet, then you should not become a member of XING.
Optimal use of all functions, in particular special searches and the improved contact function, is only available to paying members. This is money well spent. Depending on the length of the commitment, the monthly payment is between €5 and €7 per month.
The XING Group aims to appeal to employees, students and alumni of Otto von Guericke University and involve them in a shared dialogue. Current developments at the university can be both presented and discussed in the forum. The group is open to anyone wishing to remain in contact with the university. The experiences of graduates taking their first steps in the world of work are especially valuable.
Note: The OVGU Group on XING is not yet a member of the official university groups.